Date of Award

Spring 5-13-2021

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

First Advisor

Dr. Tiffany King

Second Advisor

Dr. Chamara Kwakye

Third Advisor

Dr. Jade Petermon


This study aims to bring attention to the ways in which Black womanhood is curated in the digital landscape by both Black women and non-Black women. Representations of Black women, often coded as negative, circulate mainstream media today, but when the same representations are taken up by non-Black woman bodies, they are regarded differently as unique, profitable, and desirable. In this context, Black womanhood is described as a specific performance assembled through cultural references popularized by Black women. To explore this topic, I analyze two Instagram accounts through visual analysis. The results show how my own curation of my image on Instagram account as a Black woman and Emma Hallberg’s, a white Swedish woman accused of “Blackfishing,” curation of her Instagram account are shaped by the performance of Black womanhood in digital space.


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