Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

First Advisor

Stephanie Yvette Evans

Second Advisor

Daniel B Coleman

Third Advisor

Cassandra White


Assata Shakur and Marielle Franco were activists fighting for racial and gender equality in the United States and Brazil. This work aims to observe their life stories and legacies, analyzing the documentary Marielle: The Crime That Shook Brazil and Assata Shakur’s memoir Assata: An Autobiography. This study will focus on the differences and similarities in their countries’ justice systems and how Franco and Shakur built strategies of resistance to navigate their homeland's necropolitics and also focus on the process of recognizing the self, using the concept of escrevivências. Therefore, observing how their political views and positions directly cause their exile and death. Two methodologies, narrative analysis and analysis of the discourse will uncover the similarities between the discourses presented in the documentary and the autobiography. Pointing out how political consciousness is a significant factor in the life of Black women both in Brazil and the United States.


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