Date of Award

Spring 5-13-2011

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


Art and Design

First Advisor

Matthew Sugarman, Professor

Second Advisor

Dr. Teresa Bramlette-Reeves, Instructor

Third Advisor

Pam Longobardi, Professor

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Harriette Grissom


The history of landscape painting in the West has dictated and reiterated a phenomenological point-of-view derived from the Cartesian coordinate plane system. After having journeyed to northern India for eight months, I became influenced by other pictorial conceptions of space, namely the radial cosmological mandalas of Tibetan Buddhism and yantras of Hinduism. Unable to fully eliminate the coordinate plane system from the recess of my mind, I embarked upon a creative journey through consciousness in which my own studio practice provided the means to construct a new orientation, not only in terms of the perceivable, external world, but within the realm of my own embodied mind.

