Date of Award

Spring 5-6-2012

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Mathematics and Statistics

First Advisor

Dr. Igor Belykh

Second Advisor

Dr. Guantao Chen

Third Advisor

Dr. Jenny J. Yang

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Vladimir Bondarenko


This dissertation aims at analyzing complex problems arising in the context of dynamical networks, proteomics, and disease prevention. First, a new graph-based method for proving global stability of synchronization in directed dynamical networks is developed. This method utilizes stability and graph theories to clarify the interplay between individual oscillator dynamics and network topology. Secondly, a graph-theoretical algorithm is proposed to predict Ca2+-binding site in proteins. The new algorithm enables us to identify previously-unknown Ca2+-binding sites, and deepens our understanding towards disease-related Ca2+-binding proteins at a molecular level. Finally, an optimization model and algorithm to solve a disease prevention problem are described at the population level. The new resource allocation model is designed to assist clinical managers to make decisions on identifying at-risk population groups, as well as selecting a screening and treatment strategy for chlamydia and gonorrhea patients under a fixed budget. The resource allocation model and algorithm can have a significant impact on real treatment strategy issues.

