The Georgia Health Policy Center (GHPC), established in 1995, provides evidence-based research, program development, and policy guidance to improve health status at the community level. The center conducts, analyzes, and disseminates qualitative and quantitative findings to connect decision makers with the objective research and guidance needed to make informed decisions about health policy and programs. Today the center is at work in more than 220 communities in all 50 states, helping our nation to improve health status. To learn more about GHPC and its college, the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, visit and


Submissions from 2021


Aligning Health Care, Public Health, and Social Services: A Scoping Review of the Role of Purpose, Governance, Finance, and Data, Daniel Lanford, Aliza Petiwala, Glenn Landers, and Karen Minyard


Community Voice in Cross-Sector Alignment: Concepts and Strategies from a Scoping Review of the Health Collaboration Literature, Aliza Petiwala, Daniel Lanford, Glenn Landers, and Karen Minyard

Submissions from 2020


The Effects of CenteringPregnancy Group Prenatal Care on Postpartum Visit Attendance and Contraception Use, Emily Heberlein, Jessica Smith, Carla Willis, and Wendasha Hall

Submissions from 2019


The Three-Year Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Disparities in Insurance Coverage, Charles Courtemanche, James Marton, Benjamin Ukert, and Aaron Yelowitz


Treatment Services for People with Co-Occurring Substance Use and Mental Health Problems, Karen Minyard, Brigitte Manteuffel, Colleen M. Smith, and Brandon K. Attell

Submissions from 2018


Using Behavior Over Time Graphs to Spur Systems Thinking Among Public Health Practitioners, Larissa Calancie, Seri Anderson, Jane Branscomb, and Alexsandra A. Apostolico


Relationship Intentions, Race, and Gender: Student Differences in Condom Use During Hookups Involving Vaginal Sex, Wendasha Jenkins Hall, Jennifer Toller Erausquin, Tracy R. Nichols, and Amanda E. Tanner


Community and Programmatic Factors Influencing Effecting Use of System Dynamic Models, Karen Minyard, Tina Anderson Smith, Richard Turner, and Bobby Milstein


Do High Fidelity Wraparound Services for Youth With Serious Emotional disturbances save money in the long-term?, Angela Snyder, James Marton, Susan McLaren, and Bo Feng

Submissions from 2017


Integration of Care in the Implementation of the Affordable Care Act: Changes in Treatment Services in a National Sample of Centers Treating Substance Use Disorders, Lydia Aletraris, Paul M. Roman, and Jana Pruett


Changing Attitudes Toward Euthanasia and Suicide for Terminally Ill Persons, 1977 to 2016: An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis, Brandon K. Attell


Disparities in Health Insurance Coverage Among Children and Young Adults in Georgia and the U.S., Brandon K. Attell


Workplace Bullying, Perceived Job Stressors, and Psychological Distress: Gender and Race Differences in the Stress Process, Brandon K. Attell, Kiersten Kummerow Brown, and Linda A. Treiber


Summary of HHS Market Stabilization Final Rule, Georgia Health Policy Center


County Smoke-Free Laws and Asthma Discharges: Evidence from 17 US States, Glenn M. Landers, Patricia Ketsche, Mark L. Diana, and Claudia Campbell


Interprofessional Medical–Legal Education of Medical Students: Assessing the Benefits for Addressing Social Determinants of Health, Robert Pettignano, Lisa Bliss, Susan McLaren, and Sylvia Caley


Systems Thinking and Simulation Modeling to Inform Childhood Obesity Policy and Practice, Kenneth E. Powell, Debra L. Kibbe, Rachel Ferencik, and Chris Soderquist


The Accuracy of Hospital ICD-9-CM Codes for Determining Sickle Cell Disease Genotype, Angela B. Snyder, Peter A. Lane, Mei Zhou, and Susan T. Paulukonis


Leading the Way in Preventing Childhood Obesity in Georgia, Emily Anne Vall, Debra L. Kibbe, Christine Greene, and Kathleen S. Smith


Social Support Networks and the Mental Health of Runaway and Homeless Youth, Eric Wright, Brandon K. Attell, and Erin Ruel

Submissions from 2016


Early Childhood Development Coming of Age: Science Through the Life Course, Maureen M. Black, Susan P. Walker, Lia C H Fernald, and Christopher T. Andersen


Long-Term Acute Care Hospitals and Georgia Medicaid: Utilization, Outcomes, and Cost, Evan S. Cole, Carla Willis, William C. Rencher, and Mei Zhou


Reducing Health Disparities in Atlanta, Georgia Health Policy Center


A Guide to Identify and Address Risk Factors, Reduce Costs, and Improve Outcomes, Georgia Health Policy Center, Community Care Coordination Learning Network, and The Pathways Community HUB Certification Program


Framing the Local Context and Estimating the Health Impact of CPPW Obesity Prevention Strategies in Los Angeles County, Tony Kuo, Brenda Robles, Justin G. Trogdon, and Rachel Ferencik


Whether Health Departments Should Provide Clinical Services After the Implementation of the Affordable Care Act, Glenn M. Landers


Enhanced Citizenship Verification and Children's Medicaid Coverage, James Marton, Angela Snyder, and Mei Zhou


Improving rural access to care: Recommendations for Georgia’s health care safety net, Karen Minyard, Chris Parker, and John Butts


The Philanthropic Collaborative for a Health Georgia: Building a Public-Private Partnership with Pooled Funding, Karen Minyard, Mary Ann Phillips, and Susan Baker


Determining Adherence to Quality Indicators in Sickle Cell Anemia Using Multiple Data Sources, Cindy E. Neunert, Robert W. Gibson, Peter A. Lane, and Pragya Verma Bhatnagar


Defining Sickle Cell Disease Mortality Using a Population-Based Surveillance System, 2004 through 2008, Susan T. Paulukonis, James R. Eckman, Angela B. Snyder, and Ward Hagar


Selecting, Adapting, and Implementing Evidence-based Interventions in Rural settings: An Analysis of 70 community examples, Tina Anderson Smith, Tanisa Foxworth Adimu, Amanda Phillips Martinez, and Karen Minyard


Comparing Help-Seeking Behavior of Male and Female Survivors of Sexual Assault: A Content Analysis of a Hotline, Stephen M. Young and Jana Anne Pruett

Submissions from 2015


Exploring Massachusetts Health Care Reform Impact on Fee-For-Service Funded Substance Use Disorder Treatment Providers, Dail Fields, Jana Pruett, and Paul M. Roman


The Distribution of the Burden of US Health Care Financing, Patricia Ketsche, E. Kathleen Adams, Sally Wallace, and Viji Kannan


Enhanced Citizenship Verification and Children's Medicaid Coverage - Working Paper, James Marton, Angela Snyder, and Mei Zhou

Submissions from 2014


Using Systems Thinking in State Health Policymaking: An Educational Initiative, Karen J. Minyard, Rachel Ferencik, Mary Ann Phillips, and Chris Soderquist


Examining the Potential of Information Technology to Improve Public Insurance Application Processes: Enrollee Assessments From a Concurrent Mixed Method Analysis, Abhay Nath Mishra, Patricia Ketsche, James Marton, and Angela Snyder

Submissions from 2007

Why Provide Health Care to Children in Schools?, Georgia Health Policy Center

Georgia Aging and Disability Resource Connection Expansion Evaluation, Georgia Health Policy Center, Amanda Phillips Martinez, and Glenn M. Landers

Submissions from 2006


Whether Health Departments Should Provide Clinical Services After the Implementation of the Affordable Care Act, Glenn M. Landers and The

Submissions from 2004


Dual Eligibility and LTC: Consequences for Medicare and Medicaid, Glenn M. Landers and James P. Cooney

Submissions from 2002

Hospital executive leadership: A critical component for improving care at the end of life, James P. Cooney, Glenn M. Landers, and Julianna M. Williams

Philanthropic collaborative promotes rural health, Georgia Health Policy Center