Author ORCID Identifier

Date of Award

Spring 5-12-2023

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Health (MPH)


Public Health

First Advisor

Daniel Whitaker

Second Advisor

Gabriel Kuperminc


The current study is a case study of a developing Collective Impact (CI) initiative to advance the generalizable knowledge of community-based change processes through the CI core components and principles of practice. In addition, this study aimed to inform the initiative of the next steps in adapting and improving its program and its common agenda to prevent and reduce childhood adversity through community-based interventions. Qualitative data comprised of 13 in-depth interviews were utilized to identify themes and assess potential gaps in progress. The findings from the study indicate the importance of meeting all conditions of CI to ensure progression toward population-level changes. The most significant unmet condition found was the lack of a shared measurement system, this absence makes it difficult to ascertain the level of progression toward the other CI conditions and intended goals. Other findings suggest a lack of clear backbone support, coordination, and clear expectations impede systems-level change, development of a shared measurement system, and indicators of change. Common challenges reported point to areas of improvement in CI implementation, backbone support, and community-based change processes for CI initiatives in the early stages of development.


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