Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Middle and Secondary Education

First Advisor

Caroline C. Sullivan

Second Advisor

Chantee Earl

Third Advisor

Sue Kasun


Mentoring is a dyadic relationship that provides support by an experienced individual to a novice entering a profession (Mullen, 2012). This qualitative case study consisting of four educators and one administrator, explores how mentors of novice social studies teachers practiced mentorship. Social constructivism was the conceptual framework, and experiential learning theory provided the theoretical framework. Data was collected using individual interviews, focus group panel interviews, and mentor vignette journals. The findings highlighted that mentors used their previous experiences to support the novice teachers, school administrators did not give mentoring the required priority. Mentors articulated the need to attend professional development workshops to enhance their skills. The study concluded that while mentors are willing to offer additional time, there is a need to harness their willingness by developing a structured program.

