Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


African-American Studies

First Advisor

Dr. Jonathan Gayles

Second Advisor

Dr. Sarita Davis

Third Advisor

Dr. Joyce King

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Mario Beatty


As a focus of this work, the researcher will examine the influence of African-centered institutions on African-American students through the perspective of parents. Through a series of interviews with parents of students attending an African-centered institution, the researcher will investigate why these parents have chosen to send their children to this institution, why it was important for them (the parent) to do so, and if they feel their child is well equipped for the future because of attending the institution. The study will be conducted in an African-centered institution in the Atlanta area. Participants in this study will be African-American parents of the students attending the African-centered institution. Mwalimu J. Shujaa’s education and schooling model for African-American students (1993; 2003) will be utilized as a theoretical framework. The significance of this work lies in its ability to critically consider the benefits of African-centered institutions on the success of African-American students.

