Date of Award
Spring 5-1-2012
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Fine Arts (MFA)
Art and Design
First Advisor
Liz Throop
Second Advisor
Tim Nichols
Third Advisor
Stan Anderson
Neglected areas are everywhere. They are seen as foreclosed homes, commercial properties, rundown lots and even small spaces like broken signage and over-sized potholes. My investigation, Abandonment ex-plores how graphic design can be used to identify neglected areas and add meaning that challenges exist-ing perceptions of these areas. This becomes a way to suggest revitalization without actually redesigning a specific space. Abandonment matches carefully designed phrases, inspired by first hand research of community members, with neglected urban environments of Atlanta. The camouflaged environmental graphics, created by means of DOT signs, chalk drawings, and blackboards recontextualize environments to softly build curiosity, activate new thinking, and potentially spark reinvention. Perhaps if citizens ques-tion these neglected spaces, they may begin to imagine new purposes for these spaces and reclaim them? The investigation is thoroughly documented and will continue to mature over time. To follow the project online, visit
Recommended Citation
Normoyle, Catherine L., "Recontextualizing Neglected Space in Community." Thesis, Georgia State University, 2012.