"Sherbet House: Designing Iranian Culture for the United States" by Atena Masoudi

Date of Award

Spring 5-1-2018

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


Art and Design

First Advisor

Carrie Wallace Brown

Second Advisor

Jeffrey Allen Boortz

Third Advisor

Jason Snape

Fourth Advisor

Elizabeth Throop


The relationship between Iran and the United States (both culturally and politically) is at a very low level because of decades of diplomatic (and at times military) conflicts. As a result, the American public is not familiar with Iranian culture. This paper describes a marketing campaign designed to develop cultural understanding between the two countries through the promotion of popular Iranian beverages. I chose Iranian beverages due to my observation that there is no market for them in the United States and my belief that a widespread and targeted campaign has the potential of becoming a successful product. The marketing campaign aims to raise awareness about Iran’s culture and history through identity, typography, packaging, virtual reality and app design.


