Date of Award


Degree Type

Closed Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


Art and Design

First Advisor

Serena Perrone

Second Advisor

Anthony Craig Drennen

Third Advisor

Craig Dongoski


As a person living with Multiple Sclerosis, I experience firsthand how superficial labels and false assumptions prevent me from being accurately perceived. These experiences have heightened my awareness of preconceived notions and how they prevent us from seeing each other as complex beings navigating the world in our own unique ways. Although MS is the main impetus for my observations, I’m actually investigating empathy. Those who lack empathy cannot acknowledge perspectives outside of their own experiences. Phenomenology expands our imagination and encourages us to perceive the world through our body’s experiences by grounding our spatial relationship to everything around us, including others. Therefore, the methodology influences the making of this body of work. It’s Not Me, It’s You is an exhibition delivering the spectacle of a full self, comprised of painting and performance, including various paint styles, interactive paintings, sculpture, installation, and video work.


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