Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education (MAEd)


Art and Design

First Advisor

Melody Milbrandt - Committee Chair

Second Advisor

Kevin Hsieh - Committee Member

Third Advisor

Melanie Davenport - Committee Member


An approach to teaching art using a cross-cultural curriculum to create enthusiasm amongst Latino students and myself was the basis for my research. I collected my data using auto-ethnographical recordings and documenting my results in a pre-evaluation in December 2009, and an implementation of the study in January and February of 2010, with third grade students in a public school in Metro Atlanta. After the pre-evaluation I decided to use a more cross-cultural and tactile approach. I first implemented a lesson based on the Maori of New Zealand. I furthered my research by implementing a second lesson based on Chinese New Year dragon puppets. This lesson was also cross-cultural, but created a more tactile experience. I found that teaching about a culture rather than a singular artist, using tactile materials, and having step-by-step directions that led to a specific outcome created more enthusiasm in my classroom.

