Date of Award

Summer 8-11-2011

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education (MAEd)


Art and Design

First Advisor

Melody Milbrandt

Second Advisor

Kevin Hsieh

Third Advisor

Melanie Davenport

Fourth Advisor

Mark Burleson


This qualitative study sought to answer: How may I, as an artist, use art for my own transformation and healing? I am an artist and teacher living with chronic pain and fatigue and wanted to find healing through art and inspire others to do the same. During the three month study, I made artwork, reflected in my journal, and practiced guided imagery. The journal was used to reflect on my health, the creative process, and to record ideas generated through guided imagery. Findings showed that short term relief was provided during the act of creation, but no long-term relief was achieved. The primary conclusion was that I was able to use art for healing and transformation, but only after experimentation and reflection. By adapting the creative process to accommodate for my illness, I was able to include art making as part of a healthy life.

