Author ORCID Identifier

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)



First Advisor

Dr. Danny Bellenger

Second Advisor

Dr. Wesley Johnston

Third Advisor

Dr. Kris Byron


No matter the level, managers who reflect on their professional development will impact their careers in various ways. But what impact can this same reflection have on those individuals who are led by those managers? It is widely known in the literature that professional development reflections can have positive effects on one’s career. With that knowledge, it is intended to drill down into this concept to help identify how a manager’s professional development reflection can have the same impact on their employees. The impact of managers’ professional development reflection on their employee’s increased interest in career development, improved job performance, and improved job satisfaction will be explored through this study. The following hypotheses will be assessed, H1: The more managers consistently share their professional development reflections with their employees, the more interest in career development will increase. H2: The more a manager consistently shares their professional development reflections with their employees, the more employee job performance will increase. H3: The more a manager consistently shares their professional development reflections with their employees, the more employee job satisfaction will increase. The basic research question in this study is, how does managers' shared professional development reflection impact their employee’s increased interest in career development, improved job performance, and improved job satisfaction? The research question is framed by the theoretical frameworks of the connectivism learning theory and the reflective learning theory by combining aspects of each into this study. This study will also be quantitatively analyzed to better understand the impacts of professional development reflection of a manager on their employees.

The findings of this study and its conclusion suggest a statistically significant impact when a manager shares their professional development reflection with their employees. It was indicated that there is a positive impact on the increased interest in professional development, improved job performance, and improved job satisfaction for the employees. Knowing this information and implementing the findings into a daily routine for management and employees can have a significantly positive impact on their daily lives. Managers now have a unique opportunity to give their employees a more meaningful and thought-provoking career in the US energy industry.


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