Author ORCID Identifier
Hue Duong:
Laura M. Mercer Kollar:
Joanne Klevens:
Document Type
Publication Date
Corporal punishment (CP) leads to detrimental mental and physical consequences for a child. One way to prevent CP is to encourage parents to apply alternative discipline strategies that do not involve violence. Based on the knowledge—behavior gap framework in public health education, this study analyzed the focus group data of 75 low-income Black, Latino and White parents to uncover commonalties and differences in their knowledge, self-efficacy and response efficacy of alternative discipline strategies. Findings revealed that parents knew several alternative discipline strategies and had confidence in their ability to conduct these strategies. However, parents reported that some strategies were hard to implement because they lacked the relevant resources. Moreover, parents did not perceive that alternative discipline strategies were effective without using some forms of CP. Knowledge, self-efficacy and response efficacy of alternative discipline strategies are risk factors for child physical abuse and addressing them will help prevent injury and health impacts on children, while providing safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments for child development.
Recommended Citation
Hue Trong Duong, Jennifer L Monahan, Laura M Mercer Kollar, Joanne Klevens, Identifying knowledge, self-efficacy and response efficacy of alternative discipline strategies among low-income Black, Latino and White parents, Health Education Research, Volume 36, Issue 2, April 2021, Pages 192–205,
Author accepted manuscript version of an article published by Oxford University Press in Health Education Research.