Date of Award

Summer 8-1-2012

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Computer Science

First Advisor

Dr. Yi Pan

Second Advisor

Dr. Yingshu Li

Third Advisor

Dr. Raheem Beyah

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Guantao Chen


Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are now widely used for monitoring and controlling of systems where human intervention is not desirable or possible. Connected Dominating Sets (CDSs) based topology control in WSNs is one kind of hierarchical method to ensure sufficient coverage while reducing redundant connections in a relatively crowded network. Moreover, Minimum-sized Connected Dominating Set (MCDS) has become a well-known approach for constructing a Virtual Backbone (VB) to alleviate the broadcasting storm for efficient routing in WSNs extensively. However, no work considers the load-balance factor of CDSsin WSNs. In this dissertation, we first propose a new concept — the Load-Balanced CDS (LBCDS) and a new problem — the Load-Balanced Allocate Dominatee (LBAD) problem. Consequently, we propose a two-phase method to solve LBCDS and LBAD one by one and a one-phase Genetic Algorithm (GA) to solve the problems simultaneously.

Secondly, since there is no performance ratio analysis in previously mentioned work, three problems are investigated and analyzed later. To be specific, the MinMax Degree Maximal Independent Set (MDMIS) problem, the Load-Balanced Virtual Backbone (LBVB) problem, and the MinMax Valid-Degree non Backbone node Allocation (MVBA) problem. Approximation algorithms and comprehensive theoretical analysis of the approximation factors are presented in the dissertation.

On the other hand, in the current related literature, networks are deterministic where two nodes are assumed either connected or disconnected. In most real applications, however, there are many intermittently connected wireless links called lossy links, which only provide probabilistic connectivity. For WSNs with lossy links, we propose a Stochastic Network Model (SNM). Under this model, we measure the quality of CDSs using CDS reliability. In this dissertation, we construct an MCDS while its reliability is above a preset applicationspecified threshold, called Reliable MCDS (RMCDS). We propose a novel Genetic Algorithm (GA) with immigrant schemes called RMCDS-GA to solve the RMCDS problem.

Finally, we apply the constructed LBCDS to a practical application under the realistic SNM model, namely data aggregation. To be specific, a new problem, Load-Balanced Data Aggregation Tree (LBDAT), is introduced finally. Our simulation results show that the proposed algorithms outperform the existing state-of-the-art approaches significantly.

