Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Computer Science

First Advisor

Rajshekhar Sunderraman - Chair

Second Advisor

A. P. Preethy

Third Advisor

Ying Zhu


In a web application, “webform” plays an important role in providing interactions between users and a server. To develop a webform in conventional method, developers have to create many files including HTML-JavaScript, SQL script, and many server-side programs to process to data. In this thesis, we propose a new language, Webform Language (WFL). WFL can considerably decrease developing time of webform by describing it in XML and a parser will automatically generate all necessary files. In addition, we give an option for user to describe a webform in another language, called Simple Webform Language (SWFL). The syntax of a SWFL is simple and similar to the “CREATE TABLE” statement in SQL. When a parser parse webform description in SWFL, it translated the description to WFL first, and then processed it by as normal WFL.

