EBCS Articles | Evidence-Based Cybersecurity Research Group | Georgia State University


Articles from 2021


Examining the crime prevention claims of crime prevention through environmental design on system-trespassing behaviors: a randomized experiment, Daren Fisher, David Maimon, and Tamar Berenblum


Illicit Activity Detection in Large-Scale Dark and Opaque Web Social Networks, Dhara Shah, T. G. Harrison, Christopher B. Freas, David Maimon, and Robert W. Harrison

Articles from 2020


Demonstrating the Threat of Hardware Trojans in Wireless Sensor Networks, Maryam Jalalitabar, Marco Valero, and Anu G. Bourgeois


Attacking and securing beacon-enabled 802.15.4 networks, Sang Shin Jung, Marco Valero, Anu G. Bourgeois, and Raheem Beyah


Deterrence in Cyberspace: An Interdisciplinary Review of the Empirical Literature, David Maimon


Situational Awareness and Public Wi-Fi Users' Self-Protective Behaviors, David Maimon, C. Jordan Howell, Scott Jacques, and Robert Perkins


The Restrictive Deterrent Effect of Warning Messages Sent to Active Romance Fraudsters: An Experimental Approach, Fangzhou Wang, C. Jordan Howell, David Maimon, and Scott Jacques

Articles from 2019


Digital First: The Ontological Reversal and New Challenges for IS Research, Richard L. Baskerville, Michael D. Myers, and Youngjin Yoo


Website Defacement and Routine Activities: Considering the Importance of Hackers’ Valuations of Potential Targets, C. Jordan Howell, George W. Burruss, David Maimon, and Shradha Sahani


Cyber-Dependent Crimes: An Interdisciplinary Review, David Maimon and Eric L. Louderback


Online Deception and Situations Conducive to the Progression of Non-Payment Fraud, David Maimon, Mateus Rennó Santos, and Youngsam Park

Articles from 2018


Continuous Restricted Boltzmann Machines, Robert W. Harrison

Articles from 2017


Illegal Roaming and File Manipulation on Target Computers: Assessing the Effect of Sanction Threats on System Trespassers’ Online Behaviors, Alexander Testa, David Maimon, Bertrand Sobesto, and Michel Cukier

Articles from 2016


Learning from the Offenders' Perspective on Crime Prevention, Scott Jacques and Elizabeth Bonomo

Articles from 2015


On the Relevance of Spatial and Temporal Dimensions in Assessing Computer Susceptibility to System Trespassing Incidents, David Maimon, Theodore Wilson, Wuling Ren, and Tamar Berenblum


The Effect of a Surveillance Banner in an Attacked Computer System: Additional Evidence for the Relevance of Restrictive Deterrence in Cyberspace, Theodore Wilson, David Maimon, Bertrand Sobesto, and Michel Cukier

Articles from 2013


Daily Trends and Origin of Computer-Focused Crimes against a Large University Computer Network: An Application of the Routine-Activities and Lifestyle Perspective, David Maimon, Amy Kamerdze, Michel Cukier, and Bertrand Sobesto


Restrictive Deterrent Effects of a Warning Banner in an Attacked Computer System, David Maimon, Bertrand Sobesto, and Michel Cukier

Articles from 2012


The Offenders’ Perspective on Prevention: Guarding Against Victimization and Law Enforcement, Scott Jacques and Danielle Reynald