If Not for Profit, for What?
Dennis R. Young
The primary purpose of this book is to develop the rudiments of a theory of behavior of nonprofit organizations on which public policies that govern the use of these organizations for public service can be intelligently based. A review of literature on nonprofit organizations is presented to give the reader a sense of the state of existing theory and knowledge about these agencies. The function of entrepreneurship serves as the point of departure for theory development, necessitating considerable review and discussion of this subject. Thus clarification of the entrepreneurial process and its role in the nonprofit sector occupies a major part of this book and is presented as an important ancillary contribution.
The Music of Management: Applying Organization Theory
Dennis R. Young
With the exponential growth of social media and the internet, and growth of the global economy, the very nature of organizations has changed. Organizations are now flatter, substitutions have been made between staff work and technological infrastructure, organizations have greater global reach, competition for resources is fiercer, and organizations have become more embedded in complex networks, with boundaries blurring between one organization and another. While this landscape is much changed and the solutions to organizational management may be different, the basic organizational functions and challenges, as analyzed in this book, remain the same. Organizational activities must be coordinated to achieve their intended impacts, leaders and staff must be highly motivated, organizations must find their special niches where they can excel relative to their competitors and contribute their unique value in collaborations, and organizations must constantly focus on innovation if only to stay abreast of the accelerating pace of change in the contemporary world around them. These are the universal and timeless themes of The Music of Management.
Moreover, the metaphor of music continues to apply with full force. The numerous variations on musical ensembles that the book uses for illustration continue to suggest that organizational forms can be applied to new circumstances and adapted to promote new ideas, products and services. We can now contemplate ensembles whose members are far-flung geographically but still require coordination, motivation, distinctiveness and adaptation according to basic principles of organizational life. While the popular tunes change, the classics endure and variations on themes will continue to drive organizations as they do musical ensembles of every description.
Casebook of Management for Nonprofit Organizations
Dennis R. Young
This book offers a robust set of detailed case studies of entrepreneurship in the human services, originally developed for research leading to the publication of If Not for Profit, for What? [Young, Dennis R., "If Not for Profit, for What?" (2013). 2013 Faculty Books. Book 1. http://scholarworks.gsu.edu/facbooks2013/1], a book which established a supply-side theory of the nonprofit sector based on the behavior of those whom we now call social entrepreneurs. The full book contains fourteen cases, divided into four categories: new nonprofit organizations started from scratch, new organizations parented by existing nonprofit organizations, new programs of existing nonprofit organizations, and new state and local government ventures. The selection reproduced here electronically includes one case from each of these categories. (The full book may be obtained from The Haworth Press.) Each case describes in detail, the entrepreneurs involved, the organization of interest, the chronology of events, the social, political and economic contexts in which the ventures took place, the choices faced by the entrepreneurs and key decision makers, the risks and constraints faced by those actors, the outcomes of the venture, and an analysis of why the venture turned out as it did. As such these cases offer rich material for coursework and training in social entrepreneurship and social enterprise as well as material for continuing research in these fields.
The President's Spouse : Volunteer or Volunteered
Joan E. Clodius and Diane Skomars Magrath
On February 17, 1981 the Executive Committee of the Senate of the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges approved the establishment of a standing Committee of Presidents/ Chancellors Spouses to begin functioning immediately as a formally recognized part of the Association’s organization and structure. It is possible to underestimate the importance of this event, but to do so would be a grave mistake for the many reasons that you will find in these pages.
We also believe this event is a significant first in that the chief executives and other administrative officers who make up this Association have served notice that they consider the program areas represented by spouses to be highly important in the executive branch of these research-intensive public universities that comprise our membership.
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