Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
First Advisor
Taylor Shelton
Second Advisor
Katherine Hankins
Third Advisor
Rea Zaimi
Transit-oriented development (TOD) has become a popular planning concept due to the array of social, environmental, and economic benefits it may offer to urban areas. However, social equity advocates and academics have raised concerns over transit-induced gentrification (TIG) caused by TOD, arguing that economic gains are prioritized over ensuring accessibility and inclusivity for all people at these developments. Due to varying understandings of gentrification and unique local conditions, the existing literature has produced varying conclusions on how TOD affects communities at different scales. This study investigates how TOD has impacted neighborhoods in Atlanta, GA, using MARTA’s Edgewood/Candler Park station TOD as a case study. By combining document analysis, conventional quantitative analysis of census data, and qualitative mapping of experiences of community members, this research identifies a mix of positive and negative impacts of TOD that are largely dependent on the local context, project scope, and needs of individual community members.
Recommended Citation
Wood, Mia Sun Hee, "TOD Tradeoffs: Transit-Oriented Development and Neighborhood Change in Atlanta." Thesis, Georgia State University, 2024.
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