Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Gerontology Institute

First Advisor

Ann Pearman, PhD - Committee Chair

Second Advisor

Christine Rosenbloom, PhD - Committee Member

Third Advisor

Christopher K. Hertzog, PhD - Committee Member


This study examined factors related to word list performance predictions made by younger and older adults. A performance prediction is an estimate made prior to being exposed to the material that is studied for a specific task. The current study examined the age differences in a sample of 59 older adults (M = 76.83 years old, SD = 8.28) and 51 younger adults (M = 21.19 years old, SD = 3.22) on performance predictions for both an immediate and delayed word recall task. Memory self-efficacy and other self-rating measures were not found to influence immediate or delayed predictions. A repeated measures ANOVA revealed that older adults improved in absolute accuracy from immediate to delayed prediction whereas younger adults became less accurate. The results suggest that all metamemory skills do not deteriorate with age, as the older adults were capable of monitoring their memory accurately based on previous performance.


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