Date of Award


Degree Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Master of Public Health (MPH)


Public Health

First Advisor

Dr. Monica Swahn

Second Advisor

Dr. Sarah McCool


The transient and temporary nature of urban slums throughout the world provide a challenge for collecting actionable data on indicators that can accurately predict factors that have both adverse and protective effects on health. By studying methods to identify hotspots of alcohol advertising more efficiently, there can be a better system for allocating resources or directing research teams to focus efforts on more in-depth studies. In this capstone, a pilot exercise performed in May 2019 explored utilizing locally sourced photographs of alcohol advertisements and then digitally mapping this data to identify and visualize areas of concern that contain a large volume of alcohol advertisements. The aim of this evaluation is to determine the feasibility of this digital mapping method to determine if it is a cost-effective tool that can accurately identify these areas of concern. In addition to the May 2019 pilot project, this paper evaluates other digital mapping projects to continue to improve accuracy, efficiency, and effectiveness.


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