"An Evaluation Plan for Georgia's Injury Prevention Program" by Joy Ngene

Date of Award

Summer 7-26-2021

Degree Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Master of Public Health (MPH)


Public Health

First Advisor

Dr. Emily Graybill

Second Advisor

Dr. Jidong Huang


Georgia's injury prevention program (GaIPP) exists within the Georgia Department of Public Health's protection division. It is an overarching program that focuses on providing the necessary resources for various injury prevention efforts around Georgia. GaIPP’s vision is to find a way for "injuries and their burdens to be fully minimized by empowering state and local coalitions through the provision of data, training, coordination, and leadership. This capstone will focus on evaluating GaIPP’s data management and their need to provide a publicly available system that presents all the current, activity-related programs of GaIPP. Recommendations for improving data management for GaIPP include (1) a designated group to create and maintain a full-text database, (2) Affiliating the database with the Georgia Department of Health, and (3) focusing specific efforts on the maintenance of the database.



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