Author ORCID Identifier


Date of Award

Spring 5-10-2024

Degree Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Master of Public Health (MPH)


Public Health

First Advisor

Kimberley Freire

Second Advisor

Iris Feinberg

Third Advisor

Sandhya Rajagopal


The current capstone project examines the health literacy level of a Multidisciplinary Feeding Program’s Day Treatment Information Sheet. This material is disseminated to caregivers of autistic children after completion of the child’s feeding evaluation, which is conducted to determine eligibility for admission into the program. The current caregiver material was assessed using the CDC’s Clear Communication Index and Patient Education Measurement Assessment Tool, which are health literacy tools used to measure the understandability, communication level, and actionability of caregiver materials in written communication methods. After the Day Treatment Information Sheet was assessed and a score from each tool was produced, the scores were interpreted to determine how health literate the material was. The results based on the score suggest that the material has areas of needed improvement to be more health literate for families in the feeding program. There are various components of the material that can be modified to enhance communication between caregivers and providers.


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