Date of Award

Spring 5-10-2018

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Health (MPH)


Public Health

First Advisor

Ike Okosun

Second Advisor

Rodney Lyn


NTRODUCTION: Understanding of the trends in Pre-Diabetes (PD), a reversible condition and precursor/risk factor for Type II Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM), among adolescents may help to develop robust public health initiatives for slowing the epidemic of T2DM and its associated comorbidities. Currently, published research only investigates only the prevalence of T2DM and T1DM in the adolescent population with no focus on PD. We have the following three hypotheses: the prevalence of PD will be increasing during the study period, the prevalence of both comorbid conditions will be increasing in prevalence, there association of PD with each of the comorbid conditions will grow stronger over the study period.

AIM: Our aim is to determine the prevalence of PD and associated comorbid conditions in the adolescent population. Slowing the progress of this epidemic is crucial for improving the long-term quality of life for high-risk populations, and can prevent adolescents from having expensive chronic conditions as they progress to adulthood.

METHODS: Data from NHANES 2003 - 2014 was used conduct analyses. The study sample was restricted to include only participants aged 12 to 19 years, and participants who were selected for lab work as this is the smallest subset of the participants for each year. Proper sample weights, according to sampling methodology were used, to obtain prevalence value for each year, as well as to obtain correlation values in SAS 9.4.

RESULTS & Discussion: Contrary to our hypotheses there was an observed decrease in prevalence of PD and LDL category as well as average LDL reading during the study period. Additionally, the associations of PD and the comorbid were weak, and showed no trend during the study period. However, the prevalence of overweightness/obesity was increasing during the study period, and mean BMI was also increasing during the study period.

