Author ORCID Identifier


Date of Award

Spring 5-10-2024

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Public Health (MPH)


Public Health

First Advisor

Ruschelle Leone, PhD

Second Advisor

Laura Salazar, PhD


Objective: Intimate partner violence has been examined and studied among individuals with diverse sexual orientations over the years, yet there is a lack of literature focused on Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), especially women of color. Moreover, BIPOC people face unique challenges regarding health disparities from alcohol use. This review aims to provide an update to the previously published Porsch et al. (2023) systematic review on IPV among sexual minority (SM) women. Studies examined in this review will highlight the representation of women of color in studies on IPV among SM women and the role of alcohol as a risk factor.

Method: The previous study was conducted using a search of Medline, Embase, CINAHL, and PsycINFO databases to search papers published between January 2000 and December 2021. These databases were used to identify 25 studies additional that met the same criteria as Porsch et al. (2023) published between January 2022 and March 2024. The studies identified by Porsch et al., (2023) and the additional 25 studies were coded for racial/identity demographics, finding regarding alcohol use, finding of racial or ethnic difference in IPV, findings regarding race/ethnicity & alcohol in IPV. Results: Only 26 of the 124 studies (20%) reviewed included a separate analysis of racial/ethnic differences in IPV among BIPOC SMW, and 12 (10%) examined alcohol use and IPV among BIPOC SMW. Since the Porsch article was published, there have been 25 studies published that focus on IPV among sexual minority (SM) women. Nine of the studies included a separate analysis of BIPOC sexual minority (SM) women. Discussion: This review highlights the lack of representation in research on alcohol-related intimate partner violence in BIPOC sexual minority women. While there has been an increase in studies that have focused on alcohol-related intimate partner violence among SM women, the unique experiences and challenges faced by BIPOC SM women remain understudied. The intersection of alcohol use and intimate partner violence among BIPOC women can lead to adverse health outcomes, including substance abuse, increased stress levels, mental health disorders, chronic health conditions, and reduced overall quality of life. National studies suggest that around 61% of SM women are Black women, yet so few studies include race as a factor in analysis. Extending current research to be more inclusive of racial factors could generate more inclusive IPV perpetration prevention programming. Given the increased risk of health disparities that BIPOC women face from alcohol-related intimate partner violence, we need to increase our understanding of IPV and develop more effective strategies to promote the well-being of BIPOC SM women.


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