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The purpose of this study was to de­termine if people attending the Gay Games could accurately identify the official sponsors. Sponsorship recall methodology was used, and a survey specific to the Gay Games was developed. Respondents included 182 people who identified them­ selves as a Gay Games athlete, spectator, or worker. Results were varied but showed an unusually high recall rate of the sponsors. Ad­ditionally, in relation to participant attitude toward the sponsors, the re­sults showed a comparatively strong attitude toward new loyalty to a company or product as a result of the company's involvement in the Games: Ninety-two and three­ tenths percent said they would be more likely to buy the product of a Gay Games sponsor. This study could have significant implications for companies considering sponsorship involvement in lesbian and gay sports events.


Originally published in:

Pitts, B. G. (1998). An analysis of sponsorship recall during Gay Games IV. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 7 (4), 11-18.

Posted with the permission of the publisher.

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Kinesiology Commons
