Date of Award
Fall 11-20-2019
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
First Advisor
Jessica Todd
Second Advisor
Caroline Burkholder
Third Advisor
Leslie Knapp
The demand for nutrition services has increased in the past year at Georgia State University. Group classes would be an efficient way to educate larger groups of students at once rather than providing one on one attention, which requires more employees. This interactive nutrition curriculum is informed by best practices shown in the literature and student interests. Six modules rooted in social cognitive theory have been developed to increase knowledge and improve self-efficacy and behavioral capability for healthy eating patterns among college students at Georgia State. The curriculum promotes reflection and personalized goal setting with the intention of advancing students through the stages of change model. Topics include MyPlate guidelines, how to eat healthy on a budget, meal planning, label reading, healthy dining-out options, and basic cooking skills. The use of this curriculum has great potential to enhance the existing services of the GSU Counseling Center, add value to PantherDining, and meet the needs of students.
Recommended Citation
Ricketts, Diana N., "Interactive Nutrition Curriculum for College Students." , Georgia State University, 2019.
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