Date of Award

Summer 7-20-2023

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Kate Wiley

Second Advisor

Jessica Todd


The increasing prevalence of obesity is increasing in the adolescent population. Many preventable diseases that may manifest later in life are associated with modifiable risk factors established during this time. Adolescents are at risk for chronic diseases related to diets consisting of increased fat, sodium, and sugars combined with decreased consumption of fruits, vegetables, and high fiber or calcium-containing foods. General nutrition knowledge questionnaires demonstrate that students receive inadequate nutrition education. Homeschooling is growing in popularity in the United States, which allows the opportunity to integrate nutrition education because the instructor or parent accompanies their students during cooking, tasting, and education sessions. Family-based intervention is the basis of weight management in children because it involves the entire family in dietary modification and increased physical activity. This multi-component approach course consists of 16 weekly modules that allow students to learn about the foods they consume daily and how it affects their health.


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