Date of Award

Summer 8-7-2018

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Jessica Todd, MS, RD, LD


The benefits of a balanced diet including fruits and vegetables are well documented, yet the majority of adults do not meet recommendations for fruit and vegetable consumption. Wholesome Wave Georgia’s Fruit and Vegetable Prescription (FVRx) program promotes affordable access to fruits and vegetables and healthy eating in under-served communities through partnerships with healthcare providers, community organizations and fresh produce retailers. Program participants attend nutrition education classes and receive prescriptions that are spent on fruits and vegetables at participating farmer’s markets. The purpose of this project is to develop recommendations for best practices for the nutrition education component of Wholesome Wave Georgia’s FVRx program. Program staff from each of the FVRx sites will be invited to participate in interviews about the nutrition education component of their FVRx program including a description of the nutrition education provided, reasons for selecting this particular curriculum or set of lessons, perceived strengths of the curriculum or lessons, a description of and strengths of the teacher or facilitator of the nutrition education component, and any suggestions for standardization of the nutrition education. Copies of the nutrition education curricula or lesson plans will also be reviewed, when available. Interview notes will be analyzed using content analysis to identify common components or characteristics, and these will be compared to the components and characteristics identified in the literature on best practices for nutrition education. Results of this study will be shared with the staff of Wholesome Wave Georgia for the development of best practices for future FVRx programs.

