Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Religious Studies

First Advisor

Andrew Walker-Cornetta

Second Advisor

Monique Moultrie

Third Advisor

Eric Wright


The intersection of religion and autism represents an under-researched area in religion scholarship. Social media activity suggests a growing number of autistic people self-representing their religious experiences through online platforms, generating discourse about religion in relation to exvangelicalism. This project reports the various digital strategies autistic ex-evangelical TikTok creators employ to narrate their deconstruction of American evangelical Christian beliefs and doctrines. These narrations and strategies are considered through the framework of implicit religion, exploring how creators portray autistic identity as a vehicle for meaning making. This thesis analyzes where autistic ex-evangelical TikTok creators’ commitments lie, how they integrate aspects of their core identity into a meaningful life, and what issues from these commitments obscure the boundaries of what we deem religious activity.

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