Date of Award

Summer 8-7-2024

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Dr. Deirdre Oakley

Second Advisor

Dr. Daniel Pasciuti

Third Advisor

Dr. Sarah Allred


This qualitative research project aims to evaluate the Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program through the lens of prison education and desistance. This project is unique in that it uses a secondary dataset collected from a Think Tank consisting of both incarcerated and nonincarcerated former Inside-Out students alike. Using Grounded Theory to analyze the feelings of the participants and the attitudes toward the program, I apply the theories of desistance and a realist model of prison education, growth, and desistance to concepts defined in the desistance process. Overall, the results are positive and suggest that the Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program can operate as a catalyst for the desistance process, further contributing to the conversation of prison and education.

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