Battling Survey Fatigue

Start Date

16-11-2015 11:10 AM

End Date

16-11-2015 12:00 PM


Escape survey fatigue by using alternative ways to collect user information: mystery shopper, guided interviews, focus groups, suggestion boxes, whiteboards for user commentary, advisory boards and more. Or use these methods with surveys to make your surveys more effective. and more palatable to your users.


Presentation file(s) will be made available after the conference.


Nov 16th, 11:10 AM Nov 16th, 12:00 PM

Battling Survey Fatigue

Escape survey fatigue by using alternative ways to collect user information: mystery shopper, guided interviews, focus groups, suggestion boxes, whiteboards for user commentary, advisory boards and more. Or use these methods with surveys to make your surveys more effective. and more palatable to your users.