Date of Award

Spring 4-22-2021

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


Art and Design

First Advisor

Jason Snape

Second Advisor

Kimberly Cleveland

Third Advisor

Ian Fletcher


Gathering Galax is a deliberately harvested collection of writings and images about plants, people and landscape in the form of a book and exhibition. The Cherokee people used the Galax plant for a variety of medicinal purposes, and it was advertised as a headache remedy in newspapers during the early 20th century. Galax’s most consistent use has been as decorative greenery for the floral industry. Mostly harvested by white Appalachians in the early 20th century, Latinos pick the majority of galax sold today. North Carolina is the center of the galax industry. The plant ships from this Appalachian region to Holland, England, and even Japan. It’s a global plant with its roots in the South. Gathering Galax shows with affordable printed material how entangled a world can become, all due to a tiny plant.


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