Date of Award

Fall 8-13-2013

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Educational Psychology and Special Education

First Advisor

Susan Easterbrooks

Second Advisor

Amy Lederberg

Third Advisor

Nicole Patton-Terry

Fourth Advisor

Elizabeth Steed


The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of parent training on shared reading practices in families of children with hearing loss. This intervention augmented a multifaceted school program in emergent literacy. In a community based format, parents were explicitly taught three shared reading strategies that have evidence to support the growth of language and vocabulary in children who are hearing and children with hearing loss. These strategies include open-ended questions, language expansions, and scaffolding. A multiple-baseline across content (strategies) design examined the relationship between the intervention and changes in parent behavior. Results indicated that the intervention was effective for increasing open-ended questioning, but there was no functional relationship between the intervention and the other two strategies, language expansions and scaffolding. Conclusions suggest replication to determine the effectiveness of this intervention for increasing open-ended questions. Additionally, further research is needed to determine the intensity and duration of training to influence effects on language expansions and scaffolding.

