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This study examined the current practice of college-level for-credit Business Chinese (BC) teaching in the United States (U.S.). Through Internet and manual searches, we found 21 schools offering 39 BC courses. These courses were primarily offered at the advanced level with three credits. In addition, BC teaching was more commonly conducted through a sequence of two to three BC courses than through a single course. Based on interviews with representatives of four BC-course-offering schools, the qualitative part of this study examined BC teaching from a language curriculum development perspective (Brown, 1995). The qualitative data was organized and discussed in terms of the essential elements of a BC curriculum: needs analysis, goals and objectives, testing, materials, teaching, and evaluation.


Author accepted manuscript version of an article published by John Benjamin's Publishing in:

Li, S., Wang, S., & Wang, J. (2013). A preliminary investigation of business Chinese teaching among U.S. institutions of higher education.Journal of Chinese Language Teachers’ Association, 48(2), 69-89.

Li, S., Wang, S., & Wang, J. (2013). A preliminary investigation of business Chinese teaching among U.S. institutions of higher education. Journal of Chinese Language Teachers’ Association, 48(2), 69-89.
