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Recent development in L2 pragmatics research in a study abroad context has witnessed an emerging line of studies investigating the joint influences of contextual and individual learner factors on second language (L2) pragmatic development. This paper argues for the replication of two representative quantitative studies in this new research direction. Situated within ILP’s increasing emphasis on explaining the development of L2 pragmatic competence, the first part of this paper makes a case for the necessity of replicating quantitative studies investigating the study abroad context, highlighting why and how the field can benefit from replication research. The second part of this paper presents detailed accounts of the two focus studies and suggests several options for approximate and conceptual replications.


Author accepted manuscript version of an articles published by Cambridge University Press in:

Taguchi, Naoko, and Shuai Li. 2019. “Replication Research in Contextual and Individual Influences in Pragmatic Competence: Taguchi, Xiao & Li (2016) and Bardovi-Harlig & Bastos (2011).” Language Teaching 52 (1): 128–40.
