Date of Award

Spring 5-5-2022

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)



First Advisor

Lisa Cranwell-Bruce

Second Advisor

Susan Breslin



Purpose: The purpose of this study is to determine if there is a 50% increase in the level of understanding of each clinical nurse educator after education implementation on medication administration errors, which occur among new graduate registered nurses (NGRNs).

Background: It is vital to pinpoint the leading cause(s) of medication administration errors (MAEs) among NGRNs to prevent MAEs and near misses from occurring in the future. In addition, it is critical to assess the knowledge, understanding, and willingness to implement new information into the Nurse Residency Program (NRP).

Methods: This proposed research topic aims to analyze and determine factors present within the clinical setting that give rise to MAEs and to determine the most common causes of said errors. This author plans to work closely with the pharmacy, informatics, and quality department of a local hospital in Columbus, Georgia to retrieve, statistically analyze, and evaluate the data obtained related to the prevalence and causes of MAEs among NGRNs.

Results: Due to legal issues at site, unable to determine if NGRNs had a higher medication error rate than experienced registered nurses. The identical 10 question pre and post test revealed there was a five percent increase in knowledge among the CNEs at the implementation site. The 15-question post test revealed five of the six CNEs scored “yellow”, one of the six scored in the “red”, and zero scored in the “green.” There were four CNEs who implemented instruction into the nurse residency program.

Conclusion: It is critical to improve the quality of care delivered by each NGRN. This can successfully be achieved via implementing tools and the most up to date evidence-based practice instruction into the Nurse Residency Program. In addition, it is vital to encourage open, positive, and active communication among NGRNS; thus, increasing the confidence level and knowledge base of each individual new graduate. It is important to encourage a supportive and safe learning environment among NGRNs. In the NRP, it is important to implement education on safe medication administration techniques and emphasize the importance of properly monitoring and assessing each patient; therefore, decreasing MAEs among NRGNs.


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