Date of Award

Summer 8-4-2020

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Dr. Nucci

Second Advisor

Dr. Wanders


The transition from student to professional is a stressful and daunting time. Navigating the options (dietetic internship, graduate degree or workforce) that are available is one of the contributing factors of stress. The attached literature review analyzed current literature on the options available with an emphasis on the opportunities in the food and beverage industry.

Given the potential in the food and beverage industry, it would be beneficial to develop a curriculum as part of core competency in nutrition science or dietetics coursework. The purpose of developing this curriculum is to equip students to understand the opportunities that are in this ever-changing field. This has the potential to change the trajectory of the food and beverage industry by equipping students of the knowledge and skills to enter this field of work.


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