Date of Award


Degree Type

Capstone Project


This paper examines the impacts of parental income level on the sensory processing abilities of children. Additionally, the capstone project involves providing education to daycare personnel so they are better equipped to handle sensory-related behaviors in their day-to-day classroom operations. Often, negative behaviors are a byproduct of sensory dysregulation. “Sensory processing” refers to one’s ability to take in sensory information (i.e. sounds, sights, smells, etc.) from the environment, process it, and use it to guide our behaviors. “Dysregulation” refers to the state of imbalance in the nervous system, leading to feelings of discomfort and, for children, problematic behaviors that may manifest in the classroom.

This question was answered using the Child Sensory Profile-2. The assessment was filled out for 41 children, ages 3-10, at a daycare that serves low-income families.

The research found only a few significant differences in sensory processing abilities in the older age group (children ages 5+). These differences were in sensory seeking behaviors, touch, and movement, with children of low-income parents having a higher incidence of symptoms.

These results imply that income level of parents can have an impact on the sensory processing abilities of children in some categories. Generally, the results suggest that children in low-income families are more likely to seek out sensory input, especially touch and movement input. In conclusion, income level of parents appears to have some impact on sensory processing abilities of children.

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