Author ORCID Identifier


Date of Award


Degree Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD)


Occupational Therapy

First Advisor

Sutanuka Bhattacharjya

Second Advisor

Carolyn Podolski


Sensory processing differences (SPD) refer to a condition in which an individual has difficulty interpreting and responding to sensory information that they receive. Research has indicated that 5-15% of children may experience SPD and that can negatively impact their ability to participate in a school setting. Despite the impact on classroom participation, there is limited research regarding teacher training and awareness on this topic. This capstone project sought to expand elementary teacher knowledge of SPD and classroom-based supports. The project consisted of the development of educational resources for teachers. These resources were developed by a three-step process, consisting of literature analysis and synthesis, consultation with experts in the field, and an analysis of a private school that serves individuals with sensory differences. This process resulted in the creation of four infographics and an online training course for distribution to elementary teachers. Through this, teacher knowledge about supporting students with sensory processing differences was expanded.

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