Author ORCID Identifier


Date of Award

Spring 5-10-2024

Degree Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD)


Occupational Therapy

First Advisor

Amber Schwartz, MHS, OTR/L, CDRS

Second Advisor

Veronica Rowe, MS(R), PhD, OTR/L, CBIST, FNAP


Background: Some studies have shown that up to 75% of people with an acquired brain injury (Grubić Kezele et al.) have sexual dysfunction (O’Shea et al., 2020) and yet only 23% of healthcare professionals address sex and intimacy in the ABI population (Low et al., 2022).

Purpose: The purpose of this capstone project was to develop a program to address sex and intimacy in the ABI population by developing education, training, and resources for clinicians, families, and patients.

Outcome: Deliverables included educational handouts, focus groups, Ex-PLISSIT training, and enhanced tools for clinicians to utilize to address sex and intimacy in the ABI population.

Significance: This capstone provided education, resources, and supported clinician training to increase knowledge, access, and comfort with the topic of sex and intimacy.

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