Date of Award


Degree Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD)


Occupational Therapy

First Advisor

Dr. Carolyn Podolski

Second Advisor

Dr. Emily Buchman


The purpose of this capstone project was to analyze methods of occupational therapy service provision to enhance the delivery of the current workforce program at an outpatient pediatric therapy clinic. The literature review, insight from occupational therapists, and knowledge from experts informed this capstone project. The goals of this experience included: 1) to inform pediatric occupational therapists on beneficial methods, interventions, and resources for the workforce program; 2) to advocate for increased work opportunities for adolescents with disabilities in the community; and 3) to improve workforce program logistics. These three goals bridged the gaps identified in the literature and needs assessment, which revealed areas for improving and streamlining education and promoting awareness within the local community. This doctoral capstone project resulted in a workforce program guide for pediatric occupational therapists, resources for parents, adolescents, and businesses, and new partnerships with local businesses for increased workforce program opportunities. Additional sustainability measures and plans were completed during the experience.

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