Date of Award


Degree Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD)


Aquatic interventions have emerged as an effective therapeutic approach for children and youth with disabilities. However, accessibility remains limited due to various factors, such as limited facilities, lack of public funding, or insurance coverage. To address this accessibility gap, this capstone project developed a caregiver group adaptive aquatic swim program within an Occupational therapy framework. Through an Occupational Therapy framework, caregivers can acquire practical insights into functional and sensory interventions, enhancing their ability to support their children in aquatic settings. This capstone project explores whether providing caregivers of children with disabilities with instructional adaptive aquatic swim lessons will increase their knowledge and ability to implement the program independently with their children either at home or in aquatic environments. These project objectives include the development of an adaptive aquatic program with integrated caregiver education, piloting the program, and providing guides for the program implementation at a local community center. The program's effectiveness was measured through an initial and post-survey, measuring caregiver adaptive aquatic knowledge and confidence. This capstone project aimed to enhance the understanding of adaptive aquatics for caregivers of children with disabilities while creating safe aquatic recreation environments. Long-term potential gains are to help future adaptive aquatic instructors and curriculum developers provide efficient and evidence-based adaptive aquatic lessons.

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