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Has veterans’ preference been successful in increasing military veterans’ access to state and local government (SLG) jobs? U.S. Census data for 1980 through 2011 shows that veterans are more likely than nonveterans to work for SLGs, despite some characteristics that would normally make them less likely to take SLG jobs. This is especially true in states that offer absolute preference or pay well relative to the private sector.
Recommended Citation
Lewis, Gregory B. and Pathak, Rahul, "The Employment of Veterans in State and Local Government Service" (2014). PMAP Publications. 11.
Author manuscript of article published as:
Lewis, Gregory B., and Rahul Pathak. The Employment of Veterans in State and Local Government Service. State & Local Government Review 46.2 (2014): 91.
The published version is available at doi: 10.1177/0160323X14537835