Dissertations from 2018
Functions of Guilt and Reparative Behaviors in Middle Childhood, Meghan R. Donohue
Arriba, Abajo, al Centro, pa' Dentro!: An Event-Related Brain Potential Study of Path- and Manner-Sensitivity and Motion Expression, Samantha N. Emerson
Emerging Language Comprehension in Toddlers with Significant Developmental Delays, Evelyn Fisher
Longitudinal Structure of Expressive and Receptive Language Among Young African American Children: An Examination of the Preschool Language Scale-5, Leslie E. Hodges
Altering Attitudes and Improving Intentions: An Evaluation of the Safe Zone Workshop at Georgia State University, Rebecca H. LeCroix
Tool Use in Pan: Two Modalities, Two Species, Lindsay M. Mahovetz
A Longitudinal Study of Elementary School Climate and Achievement: Testing a Protective Resilience Model, Katelyn Cleary Plescow
The Effects of a Brief Mindfulness Intervention on Interracial Anxiety and Avoidance, Lee Schaefer
Dissertations from 2017
Alcohol Outlet Density, Heavy Episodic Drinking, and Sexual Violence Perpetration: A Multilevel Mediation Model, Alexandra L. Bellis
Linking Adolescents' Leadership Exposure to Transformational Leadership: The Mediating Effects of Leadership Self-efficacy and Social Intelligence, Jacque-Corey Cormier
Exploring Resilience and Adaptation in Adolescents with Sickle Cell Disease, Laura Ann Cousins
Validation of the Contact with Sexual Minorities Questionnaire, Irene Daboin
Negatively Biased Facial Affect Discernment and Socially Inhibited Behavior in Middle Childhood, Sarah Elizabeth Garcia
Cognitive control as a mechanism linking regular physical activity and emotional health, Nicole J. Hegberg
The role of individual and classroom moral disengagement in bullying and bystanding behaviors, Schell Hufstetler
Amygdala Volume and Social Anxiety Symptom Severity: A Mutli-method Study, Reema Jayakar
Associations Between Stress and Resourcefulness Among Parents of Children at Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder and Developmental Delays, Meena Khowaja
The Cognitive And Linguistic Underpinnings Of Mathematical Abilities Of Children With Reading Disabilities, Nicole C. Lim
Social Attribution in Toddlers At Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder, Natasha Ludwig
The Role of Feedback in the Development of Decision Making under Risk, Bethany MacDonald
Perceived Racial Discrimination in Adolescents Hospitalized for Sickle Cell Pain Crises: An Exploratory Examination, Ifigenia Mougianis
Factors Influencing Species Performance in a Cross-Taxon Comparative Research Program, Laurent Prétôt
Exploring the Unique and Interactive Contribution of Temperament and Executive Functioning to Parenting Behaviors, Yuri Shishido
The Association Between Structured Sequence Processing and Grammatical Language Processing: The Neurocognitive Mechanisms and the Potential to Enhance Them, Gretchen NL Smith
Black Scholars Matter: Development and Validation of a Campus Racial Climate Measure for African American College Students, Dominique Thomas
Dissertations from 2016
Phonological awareness in preschool age children with developmental disabilities, Andrea Barton-Hulsey
White Matter Correlates of Verbal Memory in Left Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: A Study of Structural Connectivity, Ryan Brewster
Bridging Early Diagnosis and Intervention: Enhancing Recommendations and Facilitating Access to Early Intervention, Bianca A. Brooks
Examining Cognitive Predictors of Parental Rescue Behavior and Potential Malleability of Behavior Using a Psychoeducation Intervention, Sara M S Francis
An Examination of Associations among Components of Mindfulness and Women's Attention Bias to Sad Faces, Cheryl Garn
The Influence Of Others' Goals On Young Children's Sharing Decisions, Melissa L. Glasser
Adults' and Children's Identification of Faces and Emotions from Isolated Motion Cues, Anna Gonsiorowski
Anonymity and Anti-Gay Aggression in an Online Sample: The Effect of an Audience on Gender Role Enforcement, Bradley Goodnight
Returning to Presence: The Effects of Mindfulness on Emotion Regulation Following Worry among Individuals with Analogue Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Jessica Rose Morgan Goodnight
Risk Factors for Sexual Assault: Can Existing Theories Explain Bisexual Women's Disproportionate Risk?, Tracy N. Hipp
The Impact of Social Identities on the Presentation and Treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder, Suzanne Johnson
Cognitive Biases in Social Anxiety Disorder: Examining Interpretation and Attention Biases and Their Relation to Anxious Behavior, Natasha Mehta
Intergenerational Transmission of Violence: Parent-Child Profiles and Dating Violence in Latino Adolescents, Rebecca Rodriguez
Corpus Callosum and Word Reading in Adult Survivors of Childhood Posterior Fossa Tumors, Kristen M. Smith
The Time Is at Hand: The Development of Spatial Representations of Time in Children?s Speech and Gesture, Lauren Stites
Discrimination of Faces, Sex, and Relationships by Capuchin Monkeys, Catherine F. Talbot
Understanding and Promoting Children's Use of Weight, Zhidan Wang
Dissertations from 2015
Exploring Relational & Goal-Directed Interactions in Community-Based Mentor Relationships, Kandi Felmet
Modeling Reading Constructs with Struggling Readers at Different Ages, Cortney M. Fritz
Assessing Learning Strategy Use in English- and Spanish-Speaking Older Adults During Verbal Learning Tests, Cynthia Funes
L¡deres Comunitarias: Evaluation of Community Workshops on Domestic Violence, Rosemarie L. Macias
Peer Support in Adolescents Hospitalized for Sickle Cell Pain Crises, Sarah R. Martin
An Investigation of Emergent Perceptual Phenomena in Primates: Illusions and Biases in Decision-Making, Audrey E. Parrish
Problem Formatting, Domain Specificity, and Arithmetic Processing: The Promise of a Factor Analytic Framework, Katherine Rhodes
The Impact of a South African, Family-Based HIV Prevention Intervention on Child Sexual Attitudes: Child Neuropsychological Factors as Moderators, Christina Salama
Childhood Maltreatment and Revictimization by an Intimate Partner: The Role of Africultural Coping for at-risk African American Women, Jalika C. Street
Preventing HIV in Adolescents Affected by Maternal HIV Infection: The Ms. Now! Program, Nicholas Tarantino
Long-term Predictors and Consequences of Optimal Psychological Outcomes in Childhood Cancer Survivors, Aurelie Weinstein
Gendered Racism and the Moderating Influence of Racial Identity: Implications for African American Women?s Well-Being, Justin L. Williams
Dissertations from 2014
The Impact of Pain on Executive Functioning via Anxiety in Youths with Sickle Cell Disease without a History of Stroke, Donald J. Bearden M.A.
Cost and Probability Biases in Social Phobia: Evaluating Their Relation to Attention Bias and Treatment Outcome, Martha Calamaras
An Exploration of the Relationship between Academic Emotions and Goal Orientations in College Students before and after Academic Outcomes, Stephanie L. Dietz
Long-term Outcomes of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Social Phobia, Shannan M. Edwards
Yoga Intervention For Adolescent Females With Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, Amanda B. Feinstein
Structure of Mathematics Acheivement and Response to Intervention in Children with Mild Disabilities, Matthew Foster
An Ecologically-Valid Intervention for Men's Alcohol-Related Aggression Toward Women, Kathryn Gallagher
Dissertations from 2013
The Good, The Bad, and The Funny: A Neurocognitive Study of Laughter as a Meaningful Socioemotional Cue, Richard Amoss
The Intersection of Working Memory and Emotion Recognition in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Sharlet Anderson
Informing Moral Decisions with Religious Images: An Examination of Associative Priming, Sarah Cavrak
Developmental Psychopathology and Childhood Obesity: A Developmental Cascade Model, Christopher R. Harper
Predictors of Caregiver Confidence in Caring for Their Hospitalized Child Following Pediatric Acquired Brain Injury, Margaret B. Hudepohl
The Influence of Stereotype on Maintenance and Retrieval Errors: Does Working Memory Capacity Matter?, Leslie R. Knuycky
The Association of Parent Factors with Bullying, Victimization and Bystander Behaviors, Esther K. Malm
When do Men Perceive that 'No' Means 'Yes'?: Effects of Alcohol and Men's Expectancies of Intoxicated Women's Sexual Desire and Vulnerability on Sexual Aggression, Cameron A. Miller
Intervening Factors in the Impact of Child Maltreatment on Marital Satisfaction in Older Age, Vivian E. Piazza
The Role of Spontaneous Retrieval, Monitoring and Sustained Attention in Prospective Memory, Natasha B. Schultz
An Evaluation of the Delivery of Sexuality Education in a Youth Development Context, Jessica Thomason
The Impact of Alcohol and Perceived Threats on Aggression Toward Sexual Minorities, Wilson Vincent
Dissertations from 2012
Examining East Asian American College Students' Mental Health Help-Seeking, Louis K. Chow
Intimate Partner Violence And Depressive Symptoms: A Moderated Mediation Model Of Religious Coping And Spiritual Well-Being In African American Women, Dulamdary Enkhtor
Investigating Speech Perception in Evolutionary Perspective: Comparisons of Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and Human Capabilities, Lisa A. Heimbauer
Temperament as a Predictor of Infant Immunization Distress and Response to Treatment, Naomi E. Joffe
Visual Scanning of Dynamic Affective Stimuli in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Susan M. McManus
Development of Activism: The Elders of the Anti-nuclear Movement, Emma JF Ogley-Oliver
Gambling and Decision-Making Among Primates: The Primate Gambling Task, Darby Proctor
Developmental Trajectories of Marriage, Coparenting, and Parenting Stress for Parents of Adolescents and Young Adults with Intellectual Disability, Shana S. Richardson
Creating an Opportunity for Self-Empowerment of Immigrant Latina Survivors of Domestic Violence: A Leadership Intervention, Josephine V. Serrata
The Impact of Sickle Cell Disease on the Family: An Examination of the Illness Intrusiveness Framework, Josie S. Welkom
Dissertations from 2011
Using Q Methodology to Explore College Students' Conceptualizations of Sexual Consent, Elizabeth R. Anthony
Modeling the Relationship between a Social Responsibility Attitude and Youth Activism, Michael N. Armstrong PhD
The Development and Lived Experience of African Centered Identity: A Qualitative Investigation, Obari Cartman
Child and Parent Readiness to Change in a Clinical Sample of Obese Youth, Jean E. Cobb
After-School Programs: Do Parents Matter?, Michelle A. DiMeo
Neural Correlates of Attention Bias in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A fMRI Study, Negar Fani
The Moderating Influence of Strength on Depression and Suicide in African American Women, Brandeis H. Green
Parents' Choice of Pre-Kindergarten: A Transactional Ecological Approach, Kathryn E. Grogan