Adult Consumers of Tobacco Study 1: Longitudinal Study Data
Author ORCID Identifier
Scott Weaver: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3155-4041
Katherine C. Henderson: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9905-8648
Terry Pechacek: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4887-1254
Download ACTS1 SPSS Dataset (3.1 MB)
Download ACTS1 SAS Dataset (609 KB)
Download ACTS1 STATA Dataset (13.8 MB)
Download Screener Survey (for reference) (390 KB)
Download Baseline Survey (for reference) (5.8 MB)
Download Supplemental Survey (for reference) (4.8 MB)
Download Weekly Survey (for reference) (427 KB)
Download Quarterly Survey (for reference) (1.2 MB)
The Adult Consumers of Tobacco Study (ACTS1) dataset contains intensive longitudinal survey data from all participants who completed at least part of the baseline survey from December 2020-October 2021. Participants included U.S. adults 21 years or older who were recent or current established cigarette smokers and recent initiators (or recent re-initiators) of electronic cigarettes. Those who screened as eligible and fully completed the baseline survey were invited to complete 11 weekly surveys and 3 quarterly surveys (at 6-, 9-, and 12-months post-baseline). In addition, a subset of participants were invited to complete a supplemental survey 3 days after the baseline, which assessed alcohol and tobacco co-use.
Document Type
Publication Date
Public Health
Recommended Citation
Weaver, Scott R.; Henderson, Katherine C.; and Pechacek, Terry, "Adult Consumers of Tobacco Study 1: Longitudinal Study Data" (2024). Public Health Datasets. 5.
doi: https://doi.org/10.57709/ed4q-d040

This work was supported by the Food & Drug Administration’s Center for Tobacco Products (FDA CTP) and National Cancer Institute (NCI) (grant number 1R01CA235719). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH or the Food and Drug Administration.