Author ORCID Identifier

Date of Award


Degree Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD)


Occupational Therapy

First Advisor

Sutanuka Bhattacharjya


Teachers and other support staff in elementary schools are unable to adequately support students with disabilities in the general education setting. This is a direct result of a lack of resources provided to the teachers, including time, education, and supplies. Without these supports, students with disabilities fall behind their peers without disabilities and are unable to access and participate in class to the best of their ability. These students face lower grades, poor social opportunities, and poor self-regulation when compared to their peers without disabilities, leading to decreased success in their futures. A program has been created to address these concerns to be utilized by teachers and other school support staff. The program contains symptomatic and behavioral information about 26 common pediatric disabilities that may be present in a student in an elementary general education classroom. Each listed disorder or disability includes an exhaustive list of interventions addressing any challenges or other issues these students may face. This resource has been created during a capstone experience, finalizing a doctoral degree in occupational therapy.

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