Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Arts (MA)
Political Science
First Advisor
Mario Feit
Second Advisor
Holloway Sparks
Third Advisor
Juliana Kubala
In an age of debate over the inclusion of trans people in their preferred bathrooms, sports teams, and historical works, this paper explores the groups responsible for the proliferation of anti-trans legislation and their motives. Anti-trans legislation, specifically bathroom bills, works to make the lives of trans people harder, if not impossible to live. The reasoning behind this legislation is due to the desire for wealth and political power. Right wing groups, which work to tarnish the reputation of trans people and trans advocates, push false accusations and draft legislation to garner votes and donations to maintain and increase their level of power and financial benefit. Rallied votes from misinformed citizens combined with economic elite donations for the purpose of pursing their own agenda, work to undermine democracy and damage the lives of trans people.
Recommended Citation
Ellison, Ian, "How And Why Trans People Have Become The Target Of The Rightwing Conservative Movement." Thesis, Georgia State University, 2024.
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