Theses from 2018
Randomness and Structure to Humans and Rhesus Macaques, William Whitham
A Comparative Analysis of the Implicit Motives of Violent Extremist Groups, Rebecca Wilson
Theses from 2017
How Child Gestures Relates To Parent Gesture Input in Older Children with Autism and Typical Development, Stephanie D. Baumann
Outcome Expectancy, Working Alliance, and Symptom Reduction in Social Anxiety Disorder, Amanda Benbow
Like Father, Like Son: Stereotypical Black Facial Features in Children Causing Trouble, Alesha D. Bond
Virtual Violence against Women: Is Increased Exposure Related To Men's Attention To Intimate Partner Violence and Bystander Behavior?, Robyn Borgman
Investigating Brain Networks Associated with Insight in Adolescents at Ultra High-Risk for Schizophrenia, Sarah Clark
Attention and Functional Connectivity in Survivors of Childhood Brain Tumors, Michelle E. Fox
Cognitive Reappraisal Moderates the Quadratic Association between Heart Rate Variability And Negative Affectivity, Jackson M. Gray
The Associations Between Multiple Dimensions of Acculturation and Adjustment Among Latino Youth from Immigrant Families, Katherine E. Hale
Leadership among Sorority Women: Self-Efficacy, Setting-Level Norms, and Participation, Nadim khatib
Parental Translation of Child Gesture Helps The Vocabulary Development of Bilingual Children, Valery Denisse Mateo
Implicit Sequence Learning in Children with Dyslexia with and without Language Impairment, Emily Riggall
The Left Hemisphere's Structural Connectivity for the Inferior Frontal Gyrus, Striatum, and Thalamus, and Intra-Thalamic Topography, Simone R. Roberts
Hostile Attribution Biases And Externalizing Behaviors: The Influence Of Parenting Practices, Emily Ronkin
Individual Differences in Uncertainty Responsiveness and Stroop Interference, Jorge Antonio Salamanca
The Effects of Positive and Negative Experiences on Subsequent Behavior and Cognition in Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus Apella), Mackenzie F. Smith
Distraction Attenuates the Association between Trait Disinhibition and Reactive Physical Aggression, Olivia Subramani
Rational Fools: (Ir)rational Choices of Humans, Rhesus Macaques, and Capuchin Monkeys in Dynamic Stochastic Environments, Julia Watzek
Caregiver Perceptions of Stigma Associated with Youth Psychopathology and Its Treatment: Development and Initial Validation of a Novel Measure, Rachel Weinstock
Theses from 2016
Depression and Empathy Predict Emotion-Modulated Startle Reactivity, Alyssa M. Ames
Stress Appraisal, Coping Resources, and Psychological Functioning in Parents of Infants and Toddlers Diagnosed with Congenital Heart Disease, Meredith Bishop
Psychological Outcomes of Perpetrating Sexual Violence: A Qualitative Analysis, Carolyn Brennan
Measuring Caregiver Impact on Children's Violent News Media Exposure: Development and Initial Validation of the Caregiver Responses to Youth Media Exposure (CRYME), Susanna Crowell McQuarrie
The Moderating Effect of Statistical Learning on the Relationship between Socioeconomic Status and Language: An Event-Related Potential Study, Leyla Eghbalzad
Defining the Distinction: Neural and Cognitive Correlates of Apathy & Depression in Prodromal Huntington's Disease, Maria Misiura
Parental Responsivity and Language Outcomes During a Language Intervention for Children with Developmental Delay, Nonye Nwosu
Pediatric Chronic Abdominal Pain Nursing: A Mixed Method Analysis of Burnout, Nikita Rodrigues
The Effects of Synchronous Versus Asynchronous Temporal Patterns On Sequential Learning, Kimberly Ross
Exploring the Effects of Brief Mindfulness and Reappraisal Training on Executive Control and Affect, Lee Schaefer
Task Residual Functional Connectivity in Language and Attention Networks, Stella Tran
Theses from 2015
Identifying Predictors of Diagnostic Instability of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Global Developmental Delay In Toddlers, Danielle N. Abrams, Diana L. Robins, Lauren B. Adamson, and Christopher Henrich
Survivors of Childhood Cerebellar Tumors: Atrophy, Lack of Lesion Specificity, and the Impact on Behavioral Performance, Alyssa S. Ailion
Sexual Aggression on Campus: Alcohol Use, Peer Support, and Fraternity Membership, Alexandra L. Bellis
Learning to Repair Transgressions: Toddlers' Social Learning of a Reparative Prosocial Act, Meghan Donohue
Perception and Theory-of-Mind Development in Preschool Children: Comparing Visual and Auditory Modalities, Anita A. Hasni
The Effects of Individual Differences in Imagery Ability and Working Memory Capacity on False Memories for Imagined Actions, Shanna E. A. Hegerty
Contextual Cues To Word Learning: Mapping Meaning To Form At Two Developmental Milestones, Leslie E. Hodges
Social Models Influence Children's Delay of Gratification Strategy Use and Delay Performance, Melissa Hrabic
Can You Turn a Good Egg Rotten? Examining The Effects of Audience Inhibition on Bystander Behavior for Sexual Aggression, Ruschelle Leone
Effective Tool Choice by Chimpanzees (Pan Troglodytes): Learning and Flexibility, Lindsay Mahovetz
The Contribution of Callous and Unemotional Traits and Parenting Practices to Aggressive and Rule-breaking Behaviors, Mariya V. Malikina
The Role of Comorbid Anxiety Symptoms in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) on an Emotional Perception Task, Kayla Sargent
Preparation for Bias as a Buffer Against the Effect of Racial Discrimination on Academic Attitudes of African American College Students, Dominique Thomas
Adolescent Sexual Risk Reduction and the Theory of Planned Behavior: Moderation Effects and the Role of Previous Experience, Christyl Wilson
Theses from 2014
The Examination of White Matter Microstructure, Autism Traits, and Social Cognitive Abilities in Neurotypical Adults, Lauren E. Bradstreet
Test Performance: the Influence of Cognitive Load on Reading Comprehension, Amanda Clevinger
The Application of A Risk-Resilience Model in Pediatric Chronic Pain, Laura Ann Cousins
Perceived Threats, the Black Sheep Effect, and Sexual Prejudice Against Gay Men, Irene Daboin
Cool Girls, Inc. and Psychological Need Satisfaction in Female Pre and Early Adolescents, Kandi Felmet
Parenting Stress and its Relationship to Adaptive Behavior and Child Behavior Observed During Language Interventions, Evelyn Fisher
Children's Imitation of the Majority in a Goal-Directed Task: Examining Number of Demonstrators and Demonstration Modality, Anna Gonsiorowski
Parenting and Youth Sexual Risk in South Africa: The Role of Contextual Factors, Nada M. Goodrum
The Effect of Stereotype Confirmation Concerns on Fear of Negative Evaluation and Avoidance for Those with Social Anxiety Disorder, Suzanne Johnson
Parent-Child Behavioral Interactions During Pediatric Immunizations in a Latino Sample, Ifigenia Mougianis
The Effects of an Experimenter on the Response to Inequity in Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus apella), Sara Price
Evaluating Conditions in Which Negatively-biased Interpretations of Facial Expressions Emerge in Sub-clinical Social Anxiety, Sara Schmidt
The Contribution of Temperament and Depressive Symptoms as Pathways to Informant Discrepancies on Parenting Practices, Yuri Shishido
Children's Imitation of a Weight Sorting Rule, Zhidan Wang
Physical Activity and Psychological Stress Resilience: Considering Anxiety Vulnerability, Nicole Wilner
African American Parents' Socialization Around Racism in the Education System, Allana Zuckerman
Theses from 2013
White Matter Integrity, Facial Emotion Perception, and Socialization in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Ryan C. Brewster
Extracurricular Activities And The Development Of Social Skills In Children With Intellectual And Learning Disabilities, Bianca A. Brooks
The Effect of Motion Type and Modality in Word Learning in English, Samantha N. Emerson
The Association Between Empathy And Prosocial Story Themes And Internalizing Symptoms In Preschool-aged Children, Sarah E. Garcia
Responses to Caregiver Violations of Communication in Typically Developing Children, Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Children with Down Syndrome, Ann Grossniklaus
Hippocampal Volume and its Association with Verbal Memory in Adult Survivors of Pediatric Brain Tumor, Reema Jayakar
Sex Specific Behavioral Profiles in Toddlers At Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), Natasha Ludwig
Adaptation of a Leadership Training Program for Latinas, Rosemarie L. Macias
A Sequential Analysis of Parent Reassurance and Child Postoperative Distress, Sarah Martin
Exploring Social Support in Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers in South Georgia, Rebecca Rodriguez
The Mediating Role of Processing Speed in Reading-Related White Matter Tracts and Word Reading Skills of Adult Survivors of Childhood Brain Tumor, Kristen M. Smith
Theses from 2012
Indicators of Mathematics Skill Acquisition in Children with Mild Intellectual Disability: Phonological Awareness, Naming Speed, and Vocabulary Knowledge, Matthew E. Foster
The Impact of Race, School Diversity and Racial Congruence on School Connectedness, Karie A. Gaska
Testing a Model of Participant Retention in Longitudinal Substance Abuse Research: The Moderating Role of Participant Characteristics, Devin Gilmore
Vocabulary Size in Children with Down Syndrome: The Effect of Heart Defects, Hospitalization, Hearing Impairment, and Parental Concerns, Brittany A. Hess
Sexual Minority Women's Experiences of Sexual Violence: A Phenomenological Inquiry, Tracy N. Hipp
The Effect of Situational Attribution Training on Majority Group Members? Psychophysiological Responses to Out-group Members, Ashley Myers
Language Profile and Performances on Math Assessments for Children with Mild Intellectual Disabilities, Katherine T. Rhodes
Performance on a Face Discrimination Task by Orangutans Reflects a Possible Interaction between Familiarity and Novelty, Catherine F. Talbot
Substance Use Severity Predicts Suicidal Ideation in Early Adult Emergency Department Patients: The Role of Family Support, Nicholas Tarantino
Describing the Motor Skills of Young Children with Developmental Delays Before and After Participating in an Augmented or Non-Augmented Language Intervention, Ani S. Whitfield
Theses from 2011
Relationships among Processing Speed, Attention, and Biochemical Features in Children Identified with Mitochondrial Disease, Jihye S. Chang
The Development of Sense of Agency, Shaun D. Duggins
The Relation between Homework Compliance and Treatment Outcome for Individuals with Social Phobia, Shannan M. Edwards
The Influence of Language Preference on Bilingual Children's Expressive and Receptive Vocabulary and Reading Ability, Cortney M. Fritz
Pathways To Antigay Aggression: The Influence Of Male Role Norms Via Sexual Prejudice And Right-Wing Authoritarianism, Bradley Goodnight
The Early Parent-Child Relationship and Aggression: The Mediating Role of Language, Christopher R. Harper
The Investigation of Prosocial Behavior in a Tool Task by Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus Apella), Audrey E. Parrish
HIV in South African Youth: Relations with Parenting Quality and Executive Functioning, Christina H. Salama
Children's Developing Understanding of Spatial Metaphors for Time, Lauren J. Stites
Predicting Ecological Behavior in the Era of Climate Change, Jalika C. Street